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Tools & Commands:

Here are some commands I have found useful for gathering info on zip files.

Zip2John & John

# Password Protected Zip File -- Use Zip2John Then Crack with JohnTheRipper
zip2john file.zip > file.hash
john --format=zip --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt file.hash | tee cracked-file.txt

File Info.

# Gather Information on File
zipinfo -v file.zip

exiftool -a file.zip # -a "duplicates" writes information for all files found in zipfile

strings file.zip

Compression Method

# Determine Compression Method of File
7z l -slt archive.file
## Print specific comp. method
7z l -slt archive.file | grep -e '^---' -e '^Path =' -e '^Method ='

# After Retrieving Password
unzip file.zip

Outside Resources

Another extremely useful tool: bkcrack.
Here are the OS-specific releases: bkcrack releases